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Is It Possible That Your Line of Employment Puts You at A Higher Risk of Acquiring Skin Cancer?

Residents of Australia have a heightened responsibility to protect themselves against the harmful effects of UVA and UVB radiation since Australia has the highest prevalence of skin cancer in the world. This is the case because Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Everyone is aware of the fundamental recommendations for the prevention of skin cancer, which include donning protective clothing, using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every two hours, and donning hats with broad brims to shade the face and neck. On the other hand, it is inevitable that there will be times when we will not be as attentive as we should be in protecting ourselves from the sun. This is something that we should try to avoid doing as much as possible.

One such condition is the so-called “Cabbie Cancer,” which is an example of this phenomenon. This is a word that is used to refer to drivers of taxis or trucks who spend long lengths of time behind the wheel, which leads to excessive sun exposure on the region of their face that is closest to the window. The condition is known as “cabin fever.” People who consume cigarettes are an additional illustration of this phenomenon.

How often you should I get my skin checked?” depends on several factors. Long-term exposure to the sun has been shown to speed up the aging process, in addition to being harmful to the skin’s health and posing a risk to its appearance. In cases of unilateral dermatophilosis, which occurs when one side of the face ages more quickly than the other side of the face, this phenomenon has been observed. It manifests itself in the form of lines and wrinkles that appear earlier than they do on the other side of the face. This condition is known as a dermatophilosis. One extreme case of this was described in the New England Journal of Medicine; it involved a truck driver who had been employed for a total of 28 years, and the skin on one side of his face showed significantly advanced signs of aging in comparison to the skin on the other side of his face. This contrasted with the skin on the other side of his face, which showed significantly less advanced signs of aging.

Direct exposure to the sun is responsible for between 95 and 99 percent of all incidences of skin cancer, as stated by the Australian Cancer Council. Because our face and neck are the parts of our skin that are subjected to the most amount of direct sunlight, it should not come as a surprise that they are also the parts of our skin that are often subjected to the greatest amount of treatment for cases of skin cancer. However, because there are some parts of the body that are ‘hard to see,’ such as the back, the scalp, and the back of the neck, it is vital to take into consideration the assistance of others to obtain a full body scan. 

Donald Wicks
the authorDonald Wicks